Saturday, December 8, 2012

Glassfish The server exited prematurely with exit code 0

While I am issuing the following command "asadmin start-domain domain1" which yields running the glassfish application server, after the following message "Waiting for domain1 to start ....." I have got the following error after a long time of …………….:

I was wandering what is the cause of this error; I have tried 4 times but failed with the same error, I decided to delete the old domain and create a new once, but before going to this panic way, after investigation of what is the last thing I did on my machine that might cause this error, I found that I have installed Oracle XE 11g edition which takes the same port 8080 and it was up and running.

I have stopped all the database services and tried to start the Glassfish again but this time it succeeds to run. The problem is that the glassfish port was registered by oracle database, but the error was vague and misleading somehow.

Finally I have changed my glassfish ports settings from admin console.

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